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Chapter 1

Humble Beginnings

Released September 25th, 2021,

Humble Beginnings takes the audience through the foundations of where we are, and the ideas that are growing.

But with an inexperienced leader and a ragtag group of followers, will they be able to form the nation they so desire to create?

LManberg: The Musical proudly presents our first chapter!

Chapter 2

A People's Nation

Released October 28th, 2023,

A People's Nation shows that the seed of revolution is sprouting, as a group of misfits gather around their common ideals: life, liberty, and the pursuit of victory.

With the introduction of two new characters, we hope you enjoy another installment of our story!

LManberg: The Musical Proudly Presents Ch 2: Part 1

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Fancy Numbers



L'Manberg: The Musical is a volunteer project working to create an animated film based on the events of the DreamSMP, a popular interest soap opera. Each chapter features a fully original soundtrack, fully shaded animatics, and lively voice acting.

We're currently in production of Chapter 2- and can't wait to share it with you all!

Learn more about our process below! 


How does a project like this get made?

Each of our departments are overseen by producers and the director. The producers work closely with each other across departments to maintain consistency and to keep everything organized.

All of our producers have been promoted from within the project.


Why join the team?

Our project provides a unique opportunity to learn about what it means to be in the production industry for young artists and creatives. While we maintain a professional workflow, we keep our environment as a supportive and encouraging space to learn new things and expand talents while learning from other young, talented people. This combination allows for new experiences and opportunities to grow resumes and portfolios before venturing out into the world of professional productions!

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