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How does a project like this work? Well, we're a completely virtual, globally based, volunteer project that is managed through a team of producers. Each producer is selected from within the existing staff for their leadership skills and knowledge of their department. Our producers are volunteers, just like everyone else. They work to manage their departments, but also work very closely together to establish overall standards and goals.

Producers spend their time doing the gritty work of managing a project of this size, including keeping tabs on progress, checking in on their team members to ensure everyone is on track and well taken care of, as well as maintaining (and often times raising) the standards that we hold our project to. They're responsible for not only identifying any problems, but also proposing and following through with solutions.


Meet the Producers

For Ian - From Beck.png


Executive Director



Music Director


João Lucas Martins

Audio Director

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Art Director



Art Director/Social Media

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Art Director

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What does production look like?

While production may seem big and exciting, often times, we're doing the tedious work of documenting progress and organizing the team.

Here's an example of our art spreadsheet, composed of smaller, scene-specific sheets that feed into a master document.

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From the Director:

I officially started this project on October 26, 2020, with no idea of where it would take me or what it would become. During the height of the pandemic, I was faced with severe isolation and loneliness, and this project became my way of interacting with the world. What was once my escape and little passion project has grown in ways I could never have imagined, and in ways that go beyond me. At first, it was a struggle to manage such a unique format, but with the help of my amazing, lovely, fantastic producers, we were able to create systems that worked with our team in order to find success. Im so incredibly grateful to have been given this opportunity and everyday I'm humbled by the sheer talent that I'm surrounded by. 
Please go to the "meet the team" page and shower the team with love- because they are the reason this project can exist.

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