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The scripting process for this musical is unique- as the musical is based on a pre-existing piece of media.The DreamSMP began as a completely improvised story; and the streams lasted several hours each. This meant that the writing team needed to decide which story beats were important, and the quotes/dialogue that needed to be verbatim and what could be paraphrased in order to make the story more concise.


Balancing New & Old 

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Here is an example of new dialogue the writers added for the sake of clarity, as well as the addition of a new character, Winston. While our writers could have pulled dialogue directly from the original streams, this scene wasn't particularly memorable within the fan base, so instead, the writers made artistic choices to create a more engaging and complete story.

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The "Declaration of War" is a direct quote from the original source material. This is a document that is easily recognizable to the fanbase, and thus something we wanted to keep in order to honor the work we're recreating. 

This process created the opportunity for the writers to both express their personal style- while giving them the challenge of adhering to the story that was already created.

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